By Hannah Pniewski
Are you in pursuit of optimizing and growing your business? Are you looking to free yourself from the stress of constantly having to put out fires? You’re looking for the path that will help you release some of that stress and give you clear steps to take to energize you and aid you in achieving your business goals. You want to go from swimming in complexity in a misaligned business to executing clear, simple actions that help you achieve your business dreams.
If this resonates with you, then you’ve likely found yourself exploring tons of options, seeking a path that aligns with your business goals. And now you find yourself here, on our website, reading about The Evolve Difference, the Five Facets of Business™ and the effect our work has had on dozens of businesses over 11+ years. But the question remains: Are we a fit for you? Let’s explore what sets us apart and how our approach may or may not align with your needs and goals.
At Evolve Leadership Consulting, we’re not just another consulting agency. We pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive, phased approach to prepare your business for simplification and scaling. Our framework (as well as our library of resources) was developed because we kept meeting clients who struggled after trying to apply one of the many other quick solutions out there. They were told that ‘if you just focus on this one thing, that will fix your business’. Righting the ship is not a simple task. It takes a holistic plan that considers the many facets of your business and, more importantly, how they influence each other.
1. Culture: The why, where, and who of your business
2. Strategy: The framework for making decisions and informing action
3. Story (Marketing & Sales): The story you tell your customers and how you sell your business
4. Finance: The financial management and advancement in your business
5. Operations: How your business is organized to get things done
Every business is a set of systems that either work together, or work against each other. These systems are Culture, Strategy, Operations, Story (sales and marketing), and Finances. Through engaging clients and assessing hundreds of businesses, data shows that small businesses are effective in 2 or 3 of these facets, and struggling in the rest. That means that the areas of struggle are dragging the whole system down. All Five Facets of Business™ are crucial to the overall function and success of your business. In effect, the Five Facets of Business™ is a Small Business Operating System™. Operating systems, broadly defined, are structures put together to form a system to produce a consistent result. If one facet of the system is lagging, they all are less effective. If you don’t have your finances in line, your strategy won’t be executed well. Without strategy, your operations won’t have a clear objective and won’t be effective. With a poor culture, you lose overall effectiveness and the people-problems add up. You get the point. That’s why we designed the Five Facets of Business™ – to fully align the five facets of every business to help businesses, and the people in them, flourish.
By aligning the whole operating system, your small business can function optimally to achieve your business goals, and ultimately your dreams.
Now, let’s address the core question: Are we a fit for you? The answer lies in understanding what the Five Facets of Business™ is for:
A map is useless if you don’t know where you are. Running a business is complex – the myriad issues that come at you are symptoms of bigger challenges, and it is insanely hard to see the forest for the trees. The Five Facets of Business™ are designed to help you get clear on the core issues you’re facing so you don’t chase the urgent, but rather address the important.
“The system is perfectly designed to produce the results it’s producing.” Well, yeah, that makes sense… but what does that mean?
Your business is a system, and if you can’t see the system, you can’t address what’s in the way in a sustainable manner – you’ll only deal with symptoms. You have to see it comprehensively, and the Five Facets of Business™ are just that- a comprehensive look at the system of your business.
Once you understand the system, you need to put all the pieces together to achieve alignment – with all the major systems of your business moving in the same direction. We’ve all experienced a car with misaligned tires – the wheel shakes and it’s a rocky ride. Businesses are the same. If something’s out of whack, it’s a bumpy ride. The Five Facets of Business™ is a comprehensive approach with powerful tools to get your business into alignment so you can enjoy a smooth ride.
When you try to fix everything, you actually fix nothing. The good news is It’s unlikely you need to fix everything. But there are definitely linchpin elements of your business that, if you focused on them, would make everything else better. The Five Facets of Business™ will help get you focused on what matters most while providing you useful tools and simple steps to align your business and crush your goals. the path that will help you release some of that stress and give you clear steps to take to energize you and aid you in achieving your business goals.
If you’re wondering if you’re ready to dive in and truly fix and build your business, the answer is you’re never going to be ready. You just have to LEAP. The best time to start was 6 months ago. The next best time? Right now.
Visit our website, explore the library of articles on our blog, and book a call with a member of our team to see if Evolve and our Five Facets Framework is the right fit for you and your business.
Charlotte, NC
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Charlotte, NC
© 2024 Evolve Leadership Consulting | Designed by Blush Cactus